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Friday, October 26, 2007 - A Big Win For Dick Haters
I'm sure everyone and their mom has already heard the news, but CBS has confirmed that they would not allow Eric to use the POV during the week that Jessica nominated Amber and Zach. The article can be read here and in it the producers are quoted as saying:
"The rule was that Eric had to make every effort to do what America wanted. [Viewers] asked for someone to be nominated and that person [Amber] was on the chopping block. Since there was no time to vote on whether or not [Stein] should use the veto, he needed to make sure that the person America wanted gone stayed on the chopping block and then make every effort to make sure that person was evicted. Keeping the nominations the same was the best way to accomplish America's wishes."
There's also a comment on that story that points out that if CBS had enough time to let us vote during the Fast-Forward episode, we could've voted this week, too. It's too bad the America's Player twist was poorly planned, because it couldn't made for a good season. CBS, just let shit happen. I know you think you'll lose ratings and viewers if people like Dick leave too early, but isn't losing credibility a bigger loss? I hate it when people blame certain things on the show being rigged, but what are we supposed to think now? Not cool, CBS. Not cool.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 7:55 PM ]

Monday, October 22, 2007 - I'm No Superman

BB-Bash Kayla [ 9:49 AM ]