Big Brother Bash: August 2007 Big Brother Bash

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Friday, August 31, 2007 - And that's THAT!
Amber is really in her own little world. My jaw literally dropped when she called Eric selfish for not using the POV. Pot, meet kettle. The only person in that house who could truthfully call themselves selfless is Dick. He is the only one looking out for someone else before himself. Amber, who was it that looked out for themselves when Daniele had the veto last week? That would be you. You didn't seem to give a lick about Jameka, but you're going to call Eric selfish for not saving someone he isn't even aligned with? Give me a break. And as much as I'd like to think Jessica really is doing what's best for her, this week completely confirmed that she is a puppet and Eric is her puppet master. Good for her that she finally realized Zach and Amber may not have been the smartest nominations, but it was too little too late. And I'm thankful for that, because I'm clearly rooting for Double D + AP. I love how Jessica's trying to tell Eric that he talked her into nominating two people who had her back, but it takes him about 5 minutes to convince her that she hates Amber. He has to be the luckiest player in Big Brother history. He's making money by doing exactly what's expected of him, he completely controls another player, and he can talk his way out of anything.

If Amber and Jameka hadn't shown their true colors yet, they sure did on last night's show. Talk about grasping at straws. They defend Eric the entire game, and then suddenly when Amber's in danger, they think he's a skeeze? They're lucky Jessica's the only one stupid enough to fall for it. It was a stupid strategy, anyway. What does talking trash on Eric accomplish? It's not like he's on the block next to Amber, and even if he was, it's not like Jessica has a vote. All they did was dig Amber's grave. Awesome job, ladies. I'm still in awe that they haven't realized Jessica is part of the Fantastic Four alliance. Otherwise, they might have thought twice before word vomiting all over her room. Although, I'm surprised it took Eric so long to get Jessica to finally fess up and tell him what they said. She looked pretty determined to keep her mouth shut. But she really had no choice; Eric's pulling the strings. I was shocked he used the "drug-user" card to turn the tables, though. You'd think he'd have learned by now. Even I think that's a low blow. But then again, I guess if you do have that sort of past, you're really in no position to be deciding who in the house is "good" or "bad."

We had two interesting Trips From The Outside last night--Eric's ex Cheryl, and Jameka's pastor. I'm glad we finally know the true and full story about Cheryl, and I feel much better knowing that he is 100% single. So, at this point in time, I will retract my statement from a few blogs back where I called Eric a "pig." My apologies. I actually felt kind of bad for Cheryl, though. Even when I didn't care for Eric, I never felt like his relationship with Jessica was strategy. He's made it perfectly clear that he has true feelings for her. For God's sake, he even admitted to her that he made those hinky votes and put mustard on Jen's shirt! That's gotta mean something. A less interesting look into a houseguests real life came from Jameka's pastor Jeff and sister Danita. Jeff describes Jameka as "a great example of a Christian person." If Christian people call ordained minister's bitches, than I guess so... Danita also expressed her empathy for Dick, saying that she believed he is angry because he is missing faith in his life. Ugh... Why do people always do that? It's like, "You're just jealous." Did you ever think that maybe they just don't like certain people? I'm pretty sure if Dick wanted to practice a certain religion, he would be. Considering he was raised by an ordained minister and all.

I'm so glad Amber was finally evicted. Now, please, houseguests. Give us one week, just one, with no tears. I just want to be able to forget Amber completely. This would do a world of good for me. Although, I would really like a trip to the sequester house. How are we going to catch up at this point? We already have our third member of the jury, and still no Thursday-night clips. Julie, you have some splainin' to do! I'm not sure exactly how I'd classify last night's HOH challenge, but it seemed to be a mix of physical and endurance. Interesting, nonetheless. I personally think Daniele has the best chance of them all. She has less weight to carry back and forth, and kind of big feet to slide around on. Being a smoker, and considering his challenge history, Dick looks like he'll have the hardest time. Zach runs everyday, but he's still a big guy. And Eric? I'm not too sure. He's skinny, but he isn't all that coordinated. I'm sure the majority of you already know what happened, but for those of you who don't, Sunday night is not the episode to miss.

And that's THAT!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 2:13 PM ]

Thursday, August 30, 2007 - Hold Up Part 2

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:22 PM ]

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - Cock Block
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm downright buffaloed over the fact that Amber and Jameka have no idea Jess is in an alliance with Eric. I just have to close my eyes and drop my head into my hands everytime they go to her and suggest that Eric might have a deal with Dick and Daniele. Waamber, Hmmeka, have you ever thought Jess might be a part of that deal? "Maybe Jess is planning to backdoor Dick or Daniele!" MAYBE NOT! Jameka is just...a deliberate and persistent cock blocker. If I see her swing that HOH door open one more time, I'm going to jump out my seventh-story window. Not only is she intrusive, but she's Debbie-fucking-Downer. Her and Amber both. Jessica's beaming everytime she's alone with Eric, and then she looks like she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders when Jameka and Amber are through with her. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the bitches are playing the game... Does it look like I care? If they annoy me, they annoy me. Kapeesh? Kapeesh!

Here's to you, Jeric fans! I'm finally acknowledging the drowsiest showmance in Big Brother history. In Jessica's words, "It's about time!" You see, you need action in order to write any material. I don't usually envision a romantic first kiss in bed---making out. It was cute, though. Not as raunchy as it sounds. Cheers to CBS for not manipulating that footage for the AP Task. Double Cheers to their caption commentary after Eric gave Jessica her "morning kiss." If you're bewildered, go to Innertube and watch the America's Player clip. Pay close attention to the bottom of the screen when Eric completes his task. I think we're in agreement, CBS. I'm going to admit it, I've made a 180. I'm rooting for Eric. Sit back down, Double D is still my favorite, but how can you not love the LJC? C'mon! Little Julie Chens? It wouldn't even matter who was a part of that alliance, the name has my heart.

It was nice of Zach to choose Eric as Houseguest Choice during the veto competition. Considering he's never competed before, and he was also the only choice he could have made if he wanted any chance of someone taking him off of the block. I think Jessica's reaction to getting out of the competition first pretty much sums up her overall attitude. I know she's been the "laid-back" girl over the past few weeks, but let's rewind to week one. Before Nick and Daniele's showmance. Before Carol was evicted. Jess was a brat. "Personally, I don't like when girls curl their hair with a curling iron." Alright. "She owed me five dollars one time." Um, OK. Is it all coming back to you now? Now, let's see if she reverts back to her old ways when she gets nominated. I'd put money on a not-so-perky Jessica.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:27 AM ]

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - Hold Up

BB-Bash Kayla [ 10:34 PM ]

Sunday, August 26, 2007 - Dear God It's Me, Amber
I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to write about God again this season, but Amber Tomcavage strikes again! And she really needs to figure out whether she's psychic or religious. I highly doubt that she has these alleged visions, considering she still hasn't won that HOH or those POVs. I'm thinking those visions are just daydreams and fantasies. And she has got to be kidding with those conversations with God. "I asked God to give me HOH, but if it wasn't my time to give it to Jessica." Does she seriously believe that she is God's commander? But more importantly, does Jameka just go along with it to be nice or is she also crazy? If that was all it took to get HOH, then...I don't even know. Everyone would be HOH. And how about that Diary Room session? "Hey God, it's me. God bless you." Did she just tell God to bless himself? C'mon now, tell me you're laughing at that.

De novo, something I was hoping I wouldn't have to cover again--a Dick and Daniele fight. To be fair, those have become pretty rare over the past few weeks. Still, I was hoping there wouldn't be a resurgence. Her frustrations are understandable, though. It's annoying when someone puts their two cents in everywhere it isn't welcomed. In his defense, he actually gives her some good advice. In particular, to take vitamins and drink protein shakes when she's on slop. That girl is withering away! Even I'm concerned. I'm torn on the way each of them handle these arguments, though. He tends to be abrasive, while she shuts him off. Although, I think what a lot of people need to understand is why she tends to say things like, "I can't do this." She isn't always just walking away from the fight, but the edits never broadcast the moments when she explains that she doesn't want to talk about it on television. Who wants their personal history being discussed on someone's computer screen? One thing I don't understand is how the other houseguests think that their fights are staged. Why the hell would they put on a fight for show? I am truly in the dark on this one. Enlighten me.

I was surprised that the Luxury Competition required the houseguests to get naked. I was even more surprised that they all did it. But it turned out to be a hilarious competition. "What other word can you form with the letters G O A T?" Don't overthink it, boys. It's a good thing the girls ended up winning, though, because it would not have been very entertaining to watch three men with terrible fashion sense go on a 2-minute shopping spree. Wait, yes, that would have been hysterical. I'm disappointed we couldn't see that. I'm even more disappointed we all had to sit through Amber's ego trip. Did Nick really tell her that her face was "BLIP BLAM!"? More importantly, what does that mean? Most importantly, why is Jameka encouraging her vanity? Amber isn't hideous, but I wouldn't call her body "really pretty." And I certainly wouldn't count on magazine covers. I would expect a phone call from Mel Gibson, though. Zing!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 9:46 PM ]

I know the Nick/Daniele Showmance (more like a romance! smoochy oochy!) is old news, and you're all probably sick of hearing about it, but hellataz made a really impressive tribute. It actually made me cr--uh, punch kittens. That's how tough it made me feel. Anyway, if you're emotionally unstable like me and Amber, watch this with a box of tissues. Enjoy!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 9:45 AM ]

Friday, August 24, 2007 - MS = Midget Syndrome?
This video is pretty old, but if anyone hasn't seen it yet needs to. Nobody should miss out on a laugh this good.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 1:59 PM ]

The Puppet Master

Photochop courtesy of C=Venus BB Chops. Genius!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:45 AM ]

Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Use The Backdoor
I was surprised Jen was so sad about being nominated, considering she "doesn't care about the money." Although, I think she was hurt that it was Daniele who nominated her. You know, the girl she was a friend to when the rest of the house hated her. In all honesty, I feel her pain. It never feels good when someone doesn't return the respect you give to them. But on the same token, it was a strategically wise move for Daniele to nominate Jen. Her number one target is Dick, and Dick is Daniele's strongest ally. Plain. And. Simple. Not to mention, Jen is a strong competitor, and had they not backdoored her this week, she probably could have won her way out of every eviction until she made it to the final three. It's just too bad that she had to leave the house on such a bad note, and that she probably won't look back on this experience as a positive one.

If I was surprised over Jen being sad, then I'm astonished by her erratic behavior that followed. I know the girl has endured some verbal abuse from Dick, but to destroy four cartons of cigarettes? That's not just $140, that's also all of his cigarettes. All of a chainsmoker's cigarettes. You think he's an asshole now? Wait a couple hours and see how he feels. I guarantee you'll regret bleaching 800 of his nicotine sticks. But what really made my jaw drop was when she swats at his cigarette and then starts crying because "he burned her." I don't know about you, but when I come running full-force at Emeril Lagasse mid-chop, he's not responsible for the knife in my stomach. "I'm just sayin..." Anywho, when Jen started eating like a savage, I have to admit I was pissed. Had she not agreed to slop for 30 days, she wouldn't have even made it to the jury. And now she's going to eat turkey burgers and cottage cheese? I would have slapped the food right out of her hands if I was Jameka. That girl should have gotten a penalty vote for every bite she ate, and maybe we all wouldn't have had to waste our time with tonight's eviction.

Speaking of tonight's eviction... Jen wasn't bitter at all, was she? "I'm positive and honest, and I clearly don't fit in here." I guess not. Don't let the door hit you in your plumber's crack on the way out. I always feel better about hating people when I hear Eric yell at them. For some reason I see him as this voice of reason, and if he's fed up with them then it must be OK. I even felt this way when I hated him, so keep the "oh, so you're on Team Eric, now?" comments to yourselves. "Jen, you may be glad to be leaving, but we're just as thrilled to see you go." Couldn't have said it better myself. I could not stand that smug look on her face, as if it was hurting them all terribly to see her happy to be leaving. They, and we, couldn't care less. And that's THAT! Oh, and Jessica won HOH. Yippee! Right?

BB-Bash Kayla [ 10:41 PM ]

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - I Swear On My Daughter's Life
There wasn't a lot of variety in this episode, it was pretty much centered around the POV competition, so forgive me if I'm lacking material tonight. I have to be honest, I was looking forward to seeing a pleased Eric in the Diary Room when he received his America's Player task. He finally pulled through with Dustin's eviction, and he deserves a week off in my opinion. The woobie task would not have gone over well had we chosen, say, Dick. Oh my God, can you imagine if we'd chosen Dick? Or Zach? That would have made no sense at all. "I hate you, Zach. Please, have my woobie." Anywho, it was surprisingly sweet when he gave it to Jess. They actually appear "cute" to me. Pause. You didn't think I'd just sit here and praise Eric all night, did you? A conversation sparked during the airing of tonight's episode, and I felt the need to bring it to the blog. So here goes, and please, leave a comment with your opinion on the matter. Why does everyone (houseguests and viewers alike) constantly judge and talk trash on Daniele for "cheating" (it's a matter of opinion) on her boyfriend with Nick, when Eric has an equally "inappropriate" relationship with Jessica and had a girlfriend at home. Notice how I italicized the word "had?" Yeah, I major in subtlety. I noticed that his "girlfriend's" myspace recently underwent a few changes. He was basically erased from it--no more pictures of him, no more blogs about him, she's suddenly single (although, I can neither confirm nor deny that her previous status was set at 'In A Relationship'), and the only acknowledgement of him is a video from the Early Show back in June. Anyway, my point is there's a double standard. Since Daniele actually talks about her boyfriend, she's a "cheating whore?" But since Eric seems to have forgotten about Cheryl, we can all pretend she doesn't exist? Give me a break. If Daniele's a "slut," then Eric's a pig. So. There.

I'm still a little bit confused about Daniele's plan to backdoor Jen, but I'm beginning to understand her reasoning for it. Jen is a strong competitor, and she will nominate Dick and Daniele if she happens to win HOH. I guess that's enough right there. It was strangely convenient that she wasn't able to compete for POV, but I'm not even going to touch on conspiracy theories. I honestly don't even care if the whole show is rigged. I still love it, and no one will take that away from me! Alright, Daytime Emmy... I thought the POV Competition was pretty hard, because I tend to believe that all people think like me, so I made very extreme guesses. I'm very self-centered. "What percentage of viewers would rather have a beer with Nick than Mike?" One-hundred. "What percentage of viewers think Dustin is a better boyfriend than Joe?" Two. Needless to say, I would never win The Power of 10. Amber was just ridiculous tonight; I'm pretty sure she said "God" or "vision" in every single scene she appeared in. "I wonder why God had it so I didn't win?" Yeah, I thought I was self-centered. At least I don't think God is playing The Sims 24/7 controlling my life.

I have to wonder why Amber was sharing her plans to get Daniele to use the veto on herself with Jameka. "Hey, I'm going to go make sure I'm safe and you're not." Amber, if you're such a giving person, why didn't you try to convince Daniele to save Jameka? Although, I can't say I was disappointed that Amber approached Daniele, because that conversation was P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S. The priceless, priceless. It was especially funny that Jameka warned Amber not to agree to anything too extreme beforehand. Why would you offer more than the asking price? "You don't want me to nominate you next week? I'll match that and raise you control over my vote, and safety for the remainder of the game." Not that I believe Amber will stick to her word completely (although, she did swear on her daughter's life), but damn, she's stupid. No, she's stuupid.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:45 PM ]

Monday, August 20, 2007 - You're My Best Friend
This video is ridiculously funny. Just watch, please.

Video courtesy of hellataz on YouTube.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 9:58 AM ]

Sunday, August 19, 2007 - The 13th & 14th Disciples
Have I mentioned how ridiculous it is that we wait 72 hours to watch an episode that covers only the first 24? They either need to change the nominations episode to Saturday or cover more on Sunday. Because they leave out way too much on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They never even bothered to explain how the vote flipped from Eric to Kail on Wednesday night during week five. < /rant > It was nice to see the tables turn for Jameka and Amber after Dustin was evicted. Not so nice to discover a vote flip occurred behind your back, huh? I really just cannot get over the two of them talking about how "good people" should win the game. Just because the two of you are nice to each other and have creepy prayer sessions together doesn't mean you don't also call ministers bitches and encourage people to commit suicide. As Amber would say, I can't, I can't with them. The only people left in that house who have exhibited behavior that could classify them as "good people" are Zach, Jen and Jessica. Notice how I didn't include the names Amber and Jameka. That's because they are stank ass hoes. 1, 2, 3... Bye-Bye, Bitches!

Tonight had two foxy fillers--"Amber's Stupid" and "Beer Pong." I cannot believe I never noticed that Amber doesn't speak English. You'd think for being a Live Feed subscriber, I'd have caught on by now. Seriously, though, does anyone know if Amber graduated from high school? "What does outed mean?" Someone who can't even look at the root of a word and come up with even the vaguest idea of what it might mean has got to be missing some brain cells. Ohh...that's right. Speed tends to have that effect. In other news, I'm glad CBS finally decided to make a compilation clip of beer pong nights. Considering it's about the only thing those four actually do in the house besides talk game. Is it just me or did Eric look eerily similar to Natalie Raitano from "V.I.P." in Jessica's dress? Hands down he has the sexier legs of the two. I have to give props to Big Brother for paying attention to houseguest interests and making a competition out of one of their favorite games. Although, Slop Pong looked incredibly difficult. It totally reminded me of those carnival games where you have to get the ball into the cup, but it's humanly impossible.

You know, the Head of Household always talks about how they have "so many options" for nominees, and then they spend hours discussing them with their closest ally. But when nomination time rolls around? Predictable... I swear to God, I've never seen a season talk so much game all the time. They never quit. But the funny thing is, with the exception of the past two weeks, they rarely change their minds about anything. They spend hour after wasted hour dwelling on something they know has the easiest and most predictable solution. I have not been surprised by one set of nominations thus far, and I'm really hoping that changes soon. Although, I can't say I was disappointed at all with Daniele's nominations. It's about time Jameka starts worrying in this game. Everyone else has to shake in their boots at every nomination ceremony while Jameka just sits there thinking about what she'll pray about that night. Honestly, I want to see her gone this week. I am so over her it's not even funny. And hopefully "God-Told-Me" will walk out right behind her. Now, excuse me while I throw up repeatedly.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 10:57 PM ]

Friday, August 17, 2007 - Guess That Mouth!
Guess That Mouth!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 2:35 PM ]

I never thought these words would leave my mouth, but I am so proud of Eric! He said it himself: "I was hesitant at first, but then I embraced it 100%." Now, let's be honest, Eric hasn't been embracing most of our tasks even 10%. So this really says a lot. And while I do not believe that America's goal was to further Eric in the game (we all just really hate Dustin), I do believe that we have. Although, you could argue both sides of that topic. If you were surprised that Jessica went along with Eric's plan, you need a serious reality check. Jessica could be convinced of anything. Eric's hot? Done. Christmas isn't a religious holiday? Easy! Water's fattening? With time, with time... But I do have to give Eric credit, because he really is quite the manipulator. He could probably talk me into voting to evict Dick. That is, if I didn't already know he was full of shit. With all things aside, though, Eric earned every cent he's made so far just for completing that task.

Have I mentioned I miss Joe? Last night's Trip From The Outside couldn't have been anymore exciting. What purrrfect timing to feature Joe Barber on the night of Dustin Erikstrup's eviction. "Dustin's own personality will be his downfall…just like in our relationship." I don't doubt that was the downfall of their relationship, because Dustin has a terrible personality. I've never been so turned off at the sound of someone's voice before. And that guy is beyond cowardly. Think you're tough for calling Dick a "dead beat, white trash dad?" Is that why you waited until he couldn't hear you? I'd like to see Dustin say some of the comments he's made about people to their faces. I'd pay good money to see that show. Mostly because it'll never happen. Enjoy your week alone in Mexico, Dustin.

And the winner for the most priceless expression at an eviction goes to... Could that moment have been any better than how it happened? Was anyone disappointed with Dustin's jaw drop? That had to be the most satisfying moment in Big Brother history. Looks like Dustin's the piece of shit that Dick made the courtesy flush for. Booyah! Notice how Dick never gave Dustin his tattoo sleeves? I'm lovin' it... I was a little bit surprised that the HOH competition wasn't skill based, but I guess CBS is sticking with trivia this year. And damn, was this one hard. I have to say, I was freaking out when it came down to Daniele and Amber. All I could think was, "How is Amber still in this?" Thankfully, her incompetence finally kicked in--just in time for Daniele to win HOH! Talk about a powerhouse! This girl has won two vetoes and two HOHs in the first six weeks! I have three words to describe last night: Best. Episode. Ever.

Now, I leave you with the "Ha Ha!" Moment of The Day.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:45 AM ]

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - Nerd Herd 2
It's too bad the Foul Five didn't know why Dick was terrorizing them, because they looked pretty ridiculous hiding up in the HOH room. They literally came up with reaction plans in case Dick tried to hit them. They are truly delusional. I've never seen a group mirror the Nerd Herd as much as these five. It's hysterical how high they hold themselves in their heads. At least Dick isn't in denial over the fact that he's, well, a dick. These guys never shut up about Dick and Daniele's "hypocrisy," but they're just the same assholes in different clothing. Practice what you preach, people! As annoying as it must have been for Dustin to wake up to Dick banging a pan in his face, it was pretty hilarious to us Dickheads (apparently this is what they call Dick's fans). Quote of the day: "Can I get you some ghonorrhea on your toothbrush?" No one can deny, not even haters, that what Dick did was honorable. He chose to save his daughter, without question, and he did what he had to do to make it happen. Even though it meant leaving the game.

I literally gagged during the veto competition, and I wasn't even near those concoctions. The mere idea of drinking a cup of "Big Brother Blood" is giving me this horrifying bitter beer face right now. I'm really worried for them that they might have contracted HIV. Well, not Dustin so much. I mean, he's used to the whole STD thing. Zing! I probably would've drank the blood if I was on the block, though. Even if it meant I might get Hepatitis C. Five-hundred thousand dollars covers that kind of medication, right? Anyway, the croquet half of that competition got pretty intense. I mean, I already knew who won it, and I was still freaking out. There was a little part of me wondering if I had gotten Punk'd, and the entire world was in on it. OK, not really, but I kept jogging my memory to make absolutely sure that Dick won the veto. And damnit, he did! It must have killed Dustin to see Dick beat him by one measley point. What I thought was funniest was the fact that after he won the veto, everyone suddenly decided it would be selfish of him to use it on himself. He is the one who won it. And this is his game, too. I'm not saying he shouldn't have used the veto on Daniele, but she did use it on herself week two. It wouldn't exactly make him Satan if he saves himself.

I was so happy when Daniele called Jameka out on being a bitch. "I thought he was your God, too, Daniele. But maybe not." I'm not even sure what she meant by that, but it still pissed me off. Since when did Daniele become responsible for Dick's actions? It's like these people just look for any excuse to hate Dick and all things associated with him. He provided her with DNA? She will be scorned forever! Puh-lease. I'm so glad Daniele confronted the group, otherwise they would have gotten yet another warped interpretation of a conversation Jameka's involved in. Can I throw out some props to Amber? "Let her talk for a minute." Jameka calls Daniele immature for walking away from their arguments, but who wouldn't when Jameka doesn't let her get a word in edge wise. Zach was the only sane person in that room who understood that it's not Daniele's responsibility to make sure Dick behaves himself. And I would be having a much more pleasant night if Eric would have never opened his mouth during that whole situation. I can't even understand why he would ever accuse someone besides himself of saying "despicable things." Eric has insinuated on three occasions that I can recall, but I'm sure it's more like 500, that Dick and Daniele have an incestuous relationship. You want to talk about saying despicable things? But of course CBS would never air any of that, because they're too busy trying to save this disaster of a twist. So, Eric, the next time you want to complain about someone else's words, you better have some magical material to defend what you've said. I would spit on that weasel right now if he was in front of me.

God, I loved voting for Eric to give Jessica the cold shoulder. His reaction was priceless. Pure "America hates me." Eric, you could save dying children from Ethiopia for the rest of your life and you still wouldn't gain my respect. But I'm still going to "throw challenging tasks your way." Because it makes me laugh. Ha ha! I really never thought that Eric's silent treatment would have had the effect it did on Jessica, but I am thrilled with the results. It was kind of fun to see Jessica cry (I'm pure evil, aren't I?). And what is with Jen's bullshit lately? She just comes up with ridiculous stories in her head and then tells them to people. And somehow they always believe her. Although, convincing Jess that Dustin's a snake couldn't have been that difficult. Jen could have told Jessica that she was pure African and she would have believed it. But only until Eric told her it wasn't true. And then she'd flip again when Dick and Daniele said it was true. Am I making my point? Anyway, I'm glad CBS failed Eric on that task, whether they used clever editing or not. Truth is, he spoke to Jessica for 45 minutes after he recieved the task and then went to bed. Either way, an F is an F. And I hate Eric.

Note: Forgive me if Thursday's blog doesn't appear until Friday, and Sunday's blog doesn't appear until Monday. I'm staying somewhere with no wireless, and it's a bitch driving out to Panera at 11 pm just to publish these. I'll be back in the groove for next Tuesday's blog, though.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:23 PM ]

Will Estell (left), President of bcb Media Partners, LLC., sent out a press release today announcing that their Big Brother banner campaign is officially over. The press release reads:

Will Estell of bcb Media has stated as of 9:00 EST August 14th, that, "Due to the fact that our client, who was basically paying for all this fun, has now pulled out of the venture the banners and all the new ideas as to exactly how we were going to continue to infiltrate the house (with the canopy now in place) most likely will not be carried out.” "It was fun while it lasted but we can't do this for free, so unless someone or group steps in within the next few hours (for the upcoming show) or days it looks like we will not be able to continue our reign of fun on the BB house." says bcb Media, owner, Will Estell.

Estell says, "This has already been so much more fun than our group or our client ever anticipated and I sincerely hope (as we know from calls) that many of the fans and even non-fans have found some added excitement in the banner campaign...even though that was not our client's initial reason for hiring us to take on this project...sometimes things go array."

“We feel like we really "pulled this off" to the best extent that was possible and though we had pretty much figured out how to continue the madness with new and much more insane methods to get to the houseguests and viewers. As often is the case, money is the object and we cannot continue this project.” Apparently the client has pulled out due to legal concerns about Estell’s new methods (which he even admits are very much "right on the line" of what can and cannot be done... but, states for the record that bcb Media were going to gamble a little and try it anyway).
"We totally understand the clients position on this as a large company such as them have much more at stake than a small one such as ours and the legal issues are probably a little scarier to them. They probably should be frightening to myself and our company, as well but sometimes I'm just to "caught up in the moment...and maybe stupid (ha) to care."

I know a few sites are reporting from a press release as of yesterday afternoon that bcb Media would continue to up-the-stakes in this banner venture, but things have changed and the likely hood is that the fun is over unless a last minute person or group steps in to pay for the continuation of the project.

Will Estell said that he would like to personally say Thanks for the support...and even for those viewers and readers who didn't like what his company was doing but kept reading and watching anyway.

He goes further in saying that he hopes anyone or group out there that decides to carry out any future “punk” or “prank” like this, whether small or large would remember his company and give them the opportunity to help make it happen. Will Estell can be reached at or

Blake Channing
bcb Media, LLC.

Well, it was only a matter of time before CBS would finally put a canopy over the backyard. Thank God they were too dense to think of it before the endurance competition. I think they'll take it off before the end of the season, though. So save up those banner dollars, folks!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 1:42 PM ]

Monday, August 13, 2007 - Buckwild!

"There's still some Buckwild left in this bitch!"

Photochop courtesy of C=Venus BB Chops. Genius!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 4:05 PM ]

Jameka was a surprising target for Dick on Thursday night, but deserving nonetheless. It was about time someone called her out on being a fair-weather friend to God. She really only plays that religion card when it's convenient for her; she'll save Jen when she wants Zach out of the house, but she won't fight for Kail if it means one of the Nerd Herd 2 could go home. I hadn't realized God only chose balls when she wanted him to, and the rest of the time it's just coincidence. And it's all fine and dandy that she wants to defend herself, but she could talk for years, and she'd still be a hypocrite. I'm sick to death of these people shoving their religion down our throats. Listen up and listen good, God is not watching Big Brother 8. He doesn't care about your veto balls or your food competitions. Not to mention it's Hurricane season, so He's just a little bit preoccupied at the moment. Honestly, who prays like that? "You know, even if I don't win the money, and I know You think--I hope You don't think I'm just sayin' that, but like...even if I don't win, I am so, I am so thankful." I'm too embarrassed for her to even continue writing about this.

Dick and Daniele aren't stupid, they know they're going up on the block. America isn't stupid either, CBS, so ixnay on the clever editing. Clearly Dustin wasn't going on the block. I mean, these people love to backdoor, but they only take chances on "nobodies" like Jen and Zach, not their own holy species. But even a Dick hater has to admit that it takes a loyal, loving father to give up his hopes of winning Big Brother to save his daughter from eviction. I think it's pretty awesome what he's doing, but I'm really going to miss him on the show and the Live Feeds. He's one of four people who don't make me cringe. Fortunately, if he does end up leaving he'll be in sequester, so this certainly won't be the last time we see Dick put somebody in their place. That's what I love about him; everytime Dustin's head begins inflating, Dick shows up with a needle.

It's official, America, Eric is a shitty employee, and he needs to be reprimanded. Who loved the look on his face when he opened that piece of paper and saw the name "Dustin?" I wonder if he's caught on to the fact that the majority of viewers hate him. If not after that task, he will tonight when he finds out that he has to give Jessica the cold shoulder. Not that he'll actually do it, or anything. But there goes another task. The longer that weasel remains in the house, the less bearable the show is to watch. 1) He's, like, Revenge of the Nerds ugly, and 2) he's a despicable human being. The most disgusting remark I've ever heard in my life came out of his mouth, and he could never redeem himself after that. His behavior just shows his true character, and unforunately for him, it's lacking. I have honestly never been so disgusted by a houseguest in the past. I will do everything in my personal power to make sure America makes him vote to keep Dick on Thursday. And I hope that rat hates it.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 12:25 AM ]

Sunday, August 12, 2007 - New Trivia!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 4:36 PM ]

Friday, August 10, 2007 - Dirty, Rotten Cheaters
I've been holding off on writing a blog about possible rigging, because I didn't have any hard evidence, just a video of Jameka whispering about walking out on a Diary Room controller. But we finally have a video long enough to prove how fucked up the producers really are. In this clip, Dick explains how someone in the Diary Room asked him for his opinion on Jen's OCD. Unfortunately, she never even told him that she had OCD. Then Jen goes on to tell Dick and Daniele that "they were trying to, like, make me not vote Eric out" and that after she accused them of those intentions, they said, "Jessica's not stupid." And then she confirms what anyone who isn't in denial already knows: "That's not right. Obviously they'd rather have Eric in the house than Kail." So, I guess Jameka was right when she said the winner of this game has been preordained by God. God in the form of Allison Grodner, that is. So, I really don't want to just watch this happen and complain about it for the rest of the season. But I'm not sure exactly how to go about giving AGP and CBS a piece of my mind. So if anyone else is taking action or has advice, e-mail me or leave a comment. It'd be greatly appreciated.

The first video is of Jen, Dick and Daniele, and the second video is of Jameka and Amber.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:46 AM ]

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:13 AM ]

It was about time someone spoke up and put Eric in his place...besides Dick. I knew it was only a matter of time before Amber would blow up, and she did it Buckwild style. Honestly, who would think to put those pieces of clothing together? She looked like she was in a Limp Bizkit video. And a Rebel hat to top it all off. Keepin' it trashy. Anyway, she had some pretty valid points in her rant. Whoever holds that kind of information for blackmail is twisted. And Eric is a fuckin' piece of shit. Fact, not opinion. But, um...she hasn't lied once in that house? Wait, wait--"I haven't said shit about nobody." It's always nice to see elementary level grammar being used in everyday life. All jokes aside, Eric deserved a smackdown, and not just for holding Amber's confession in his back pocket. That tool has said horrible things about every single person in that house. Not that the television audience would know, as CBS is doing their damndest to make him look like an angel. Gotta make that buck, right? I promise you they are raking in well over $10,000 per every five tasks completed in text message fees. Notice how we never found out who Eric had to "flatter incessantly to ensure their vote?" I promise you that either CBS or Eric decided not to bother with that one. Can't open that envelope too many times with a name we clearly didn't vote for. And Eric certainly wasn't going to flatter Dick all night. "I'm just saying..."

Tonight's episode had some pretty sweet fillers, and I have to admit that I really did enjoy them. First up, viewer's question: "Dustin, why do you constantly wear your gray shirt?" That right there was laugh out loud funny. I liked his answer, though, because if there is one person in that house who displays consistency, it's him. I prefer calling him stubborn, but consistent nonetheless. Anyway, if that wasn't a big enough hint for him to stop wearing it, I might be getting sick over the next few days. It's already unbearable enough having to listen to his pompous voice, but what's even worse is looking at his chest hair sprouting out of that v-neck. I think I need to change subjects... I was very nervous when Julie led us into the clip about Dick the name dropper. But it totally turned out to be a FOXY segment. I loved when that guy said, "Dick doesn't drop names, people drop Dick's name!" You know, as a Dick fan, I'll admit that he can get out of line from time to time. But at the end of the day, Dick's Dick, and he'd take a bullet for someone who didn't speak to him for two years. And that's fucking rad. Plain and simple. He's honest, loyal, and never apologizes for who he is. I admire him for that. And I'm totally getting one of those "Jenuine Evil" t-shirts.

Kail's husband Darin was surprisingly pleasant, and brought back memories of when April's husband talked about Hurricane Howie's wrath. I liked that he was understanding about Dick's strategy; it shows maturity and good character. And how about those businesses? I was expecting her to own Trump Tower, but those cute little restaurants and that motel were a pleasant surprise. Her town looks adorable, and that whole clip made me feel better about her going home. I'm so happy for her that she gets to go back to her family, and got out of that Freak Fest. That house is so unstable, I don't know how she ever lasted that long without DORing. I've had a roller coaster of feelings about Kail throughout this season, but at the end of her stay, she was one of my favorites. Sure, she lied, but who hasn't? She has a good heart, and she deserved so much better than the hand she was dealt. I honestly believe it was her time to go, though, and I'm happy she was able to go a week without anyone cussing her out. Now before I start crying, I must move onto this HOH competition. Oh yeah, predictable. Anyone else smell fish?

BB-Bash Kayla [ 12:02 AM ]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - Dictator Dustin
Eric's Reaction: Part Two. I've heard more bullshit come out of his mouth in the past five days than I've heard in most of Big Brother history. Have you ever seen someone with that many nervous habits going off at once? As Eric assures the LNC that "Dick and Daniele have made a $500,000 mistake," he raises his right eyebrow, cocks his neck to the side, opens his eyes widely, laughs like a mad scientist, and scratches a patch of skin that I'm fairly certain isn't even itchy. Have these people never seen someone lie before? Or are they just that fucking clueless? I'm betting on the latter. Surprisingly enough, it's Dustin that gets my vote for Most Hated Houseguest this week. If I hear him say, "It's a numbers game," one more time, I think I'll jump off a bridge. And keep in mind that voting Kail out doesn't automatically win you Head of Household. Your enemies still have two people competing in that competition, and only one person can win. Numbers won't do you any good if Dick or Zach wins HOH on Thursday, now will they? In fact, it'll ensure that "The Donatos" get one of you cowards evicted. So take your pompous attitude elsewhere, Napoleon.

Who would have thought we'd see the day when Dick and Jen would hug? I'm pretty sure there's a couple of pigs flying around a farm somewhere. And some icicles hanging from the ceiling of Hell. Any other phrases I've missed? The point is, Dick and Jen both proved themselves to be mature when they swallowed their pride and made that truce. And I'm so glad Zach is working with them, because it's really about time he has some social interaction. He was pretty much a no-brainer, anyway. He needs them just as much as they need him. He could either team up with the LNC and be number three on their hit list, or he can team up with Double D escape their line of fire. Like I said, no-brainer.

That Power of Veto competition was just plain brutal. Honestly, if I was Jameka I'd have gotten out on the very first question. There's no way I'm wearing a bunny suit, much less giving up HOH to protect somebody that I don't even know I can trust. I'm sure CBS did their fair share of editing to his Diary Room, but was I the only one shocked by Eric's audacity? "Jameka is my only hope." And what in the hell does she owe you? Her pride? That's all that's left at this point. She's already pouring shit on her head for 24 hours and giving up any possibility at HOH for five weeks. You want her to sacrifice the prize money? Please. Leave that to the nominees. And damnit, Jen won that veto fair and square. She deserved it, and she definitly showed everyone what she was there to do--compete. Although, if that girl makes it to the final two, I say CBS gives her the half mill, anyway. Because, let's be honest, she defied physics. I'm pretty sure I learned that in high school. Chen's Law of Tears, or something. Anyway, if she pulls off F2, I'm fairly certain she's a magician.

Anyone with a Big Brother Superpass knew exactly how it felt over the weekend to just be sitting around waiting for the confrontation Dick kept promising everyone. I didn't have the pleasure of viewing it live, but it was still awesome. First of all, any innocent person who is being accused of lying doesn't immediately respond with, "I didn't lie to you." Especially not in a calm, rehearsed manner. And I hope every single witness of that argument saw right through Eric's bullshit. How is he going to accuse Dick of lying "a multitude of times?" I don't care whose side you're on in that house, one thing you can't deny is the fact that Dick doesn't lie. He lets every single person know what he thinks, and he never plays He Said, She Said. Eric doesn't even believe that Dick lies--"I'm not gonna play this game." What game? Backing up your accusations? You may as well keep digging, because there's no way you can climb out of this hole.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 1:41 AM ]

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 - Double D!

Quote of the Night

Ahem--I do believe I deserve some credit, here? That's it, I'm copyrighting Double D.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 2:01 AM ]

Monday, August 6, 2007 - Memories
I miss when everyone didn't hate Dick. I miss a Minnesota accent. I miss liking Dustin. I miss feeling empathetic for Amber. I miss the old Jessica.

I miss Joe.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 2:12 AM ]

Sunday, August 5, 2007 - Banner of Love
First of all, I'd like to say that I honestly didn't think that CBS would feature the banner in this episode, so I apologize to anyone who didn't want that spoiler. But I'm glad they did, because it would have taken some talented editors to figure out a way to explain the sudden suspicion over Eric. Second of all, I'd like to personally thank whoever spent $2k on that banner, because they deserve a fucking Nobel Prize. Whoever you are, you're naming my first born. And I'd really like to get a featured interview with you, so shoot me an e-mail if you're interested. Fucking genius, right there. Either that was an amazing coincidence that the banner was scheduled during an outdoor competition, or that was some quick thinking. Either way, Mystery Banner Person, you hold a special place in my heart. Back to the competition... I couldn't have been happier to see Amber first out, because, let's be honest, who wanted to see the crocodile tears for five hours following her win? And that HOH blog? Spare me. I will admit that I was straight up shocked over how long Jen and Kail lasted, and notably proud of them. It takes a lot of determination to hang upside for 1.5 hours while someone's yelling at you. In the end, though, Daniele won, and we all expected it. She was the most tenacious person in that competition, and nobody stood a chance against her. She deserved that more than any of them, and, damnit, she got it.

We all knew there'd be chaos and suspicion over these votes that Eric was casting, but I personally never expected it to get this out of hand. And I certainly never imagined that someone would be sent packing over it. I'll say it a million times if I have to--I cannot fathom how somebody could let another person take the blame for their own actions. The first time that the LNC should have been suspicious was when Eric dismissed himself as a possibility because he was the "first and foremost person who wanted Nick gone." If it wasn't him then why would he ever feel the need to not only tell you that it wasn't him, but also give you a reason why it wasn't him? Did you see Dustin, Amber, Jameka or Jessica voluntarily defending themselves? No, and that should have been the first clue. The problem with these houseguests is the fact that they are so unwilling to believe that someone they are close to could be their foe. They are so wrapped up in this Kail-Jen-And-Zach-Are-The-Enemy mentality that it doesn't even occur to them that it could be one of their own. What gets me the most, though, is the fact that Eric is such an obvious liar; and how they cannot see this is just beyond me.

I don't think I've ever seen two people look more like giddy school girls than when Dick and Daniele had their epiphany that Eric was the one voting out Kail. CBS didn't even begin to cover what those two looked like in that HOH room before they called Jess up. I took a video, and trust me, it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I was sure they were going to break out into a pillow fight. So, in honor of The Big Brother Bash's Official Favorite Houseguests (indeed I did just come up with that title), I present to you: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

P.S. Don't you love the music they always set to Dick's blow ups? It's like a mix of hard rock and metal. As if he's about to pull out a gun and murder everyone. Can't they see his soft side? I managed to put a video together with him set to Cyndi Lauper. Cyndi Lauper!

In other news, Jessica's a snake. I knew it was a bad idea to tell her the plan, and it was obvious from the get-go that she wasn't convinced. Why can't these houseguests read each other's body language? More importantly, why can't they remember their conversations? I could have made a book of misquotes at this point. Anyway, Eric's reaction to Double D's plan pretty much flushed any thoughts of mine that considered him to be a decent human being. It's one thing to lie about something you've done, but to get mad at someone for realizing it? I'm at this point where I understand that yes, we voted for Eric to evict those houseguests, but we never forced him to follow our lead. And that's where you cannot blame America. He had every right to reject the tasks, and he had every opportunity to cover his tracks when he accepted those tasks. He did neither, and that my friend, is his own fault. Eric, that wasn't the thoughts of Nick's mom on that banner, it was your so-called alliance of 10 million. And unfortunately for you, America won't be voting to further you in the game anymore. Final 2 pact? How's Dick sound? Jameka? That'll certainly cast suspicion...

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:30 PM ]

BB-Bash Kayla [ 4:44 PM ]

Saturday, August 4, 2007 - Bratz

BB-Bash Kayla [ 7:08 PM ]

Friday, August 3, 2007 - Banner
Disclaimer: This is a non-spoiler site, but I'm putting up this disclaimer to warn anyone who may or may not consider this a spoiler. A banner was flown above the houseguests during the HOH Competition tonight, but I'm fairly certain CBS won't even touch on that issue in Sunday's episode. Even so, I'm not sure I'd even consider this a spoiler. So check it out!

The picture is from Big Brother 8 myspace. So...props.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 3:02 AM ]