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Thursday, September 6, 2007 - Shooyah!
Talk about an intense night! Where do I even begin?? First of all, I was completely surprised that they had the first eviction before the first commercial. Does anyone care? Probably not, but it was a strong enough feeling that I wanted to write about it. I guess there just wasn't enough time to put it off forever like they usually do. The votes weren't a surprise, but there was still a little piece of me that felt really terrible for Jessica. But then I remembered that she would have done the same damn thing if she were in Double D's position. So at the end of the day, I'm thrilled they sent her pouty butt packing. I'd like an order of sassy comments; hold the "you're calling Jessica pouty?!" remarks (I've had my yearly serving). But for those of you who can't control yourselves, here's a piece of Booyah Pie: Daniele may pout, but at least she plays the strategic game. Jessica laid in her bed all week, and let Eric do the talking. She might have actually had a chance had she done her own campaigning. And please don't use the "She-Didn't-Want-To-Campaign-Against-Jameka" line. Maybe so, but you and I both know that wasn't what was stopping her. Ugh, enough of her!

So, I really can't get over it; I know I was stoked for the Fast Forward episode, but was everyone else? So much more exciting than watching a bunch of stuff I've already seen on the Live Feeds all week. Although, I must give credit where credit is due, and it is way more fun watching the edited versions of some situations. I mean, these people have 24 hours to kill each day, and their ramblings can get borrring. I've gone off on a tangent, and I must get back on topic! I was shaking in my boots during the HOH competition, because that power literally sealed the fate of an alliance, regardless of who won veto. I couldn't believe how close the scores were toward the very end, and I think you all can imagine the kind of celebration that occurred in my home after Dick won. I think my exact words were, "Bwahhh! FuckkDUCK! Standard Pennsylvania Dutch celebratory words... Anywho! I was buffaloed over the fact that America voted for Daniele to be nominated, but I'm sure it had something to do with the short voting period. It's not like it made any difference, though. Trying to convince Dick to nominate his daughter would have been a complete waste of time. Inevitably, Jameka sat on that block for the fourth time in a row, and Eric for the first. Whoops, I spelled "thankfully" as "inevitably."

Eric and Jameka were the best nominees, because as long as Zach stayed true to Double D, Daniele wouldn't have to go up on the block. I thought the Veto Competition was incredibly confusing, but that's probably just because I'm terrible at listening to directions. It took me until about 3/4 of the way through to figure out that you were supposed to be putting green balls into your tube. PAUSE ║ Niagara Balls! Bahahahaha! PLAY > When Zach won, I wasn't sure if I should be celebrating or cowering. In fact, I'm pretty sure I lifted my hands halfway in the air and then cried a little. I was really worried Eric would embrace his AP task and somehow convince Zach that using the veto was best for him. Thankfully, Zach isn't Jessica, and even if Eric could influence him, it'd take more five minutes. Clearly the best strategic decision would be to evict Eric, but I couldn't help but hope for his safety during that pathetic final plea. "Give me a fair chance." Well, he had his chance, and he made $40,000 in the process. He'll make out just as good, if not better, than second place. With that being said, here's to the Donatos, who have rocked my socks all summer!

BB-Bash Kayla [ 10:03 PM ]