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Wednesday, September 5, 2007 - Messica
Who called it? I believe that would be me. Anyone who thought Jessica would be a happy-go-lucky flirt as well as a nominee was in serious denial. I guess it's easier to stay out of the drama when you're never a target. Well, if she expected to spend her entire summer tanning and playing beer pong, she probably should have stayed home and gone to school this semester. And of all people for her to treat like shit, I really didn't expect it to be Eric. So you're on the block, get over it. I couldn't believe how bitchy she was to him as he was trying to cheer her up after the veto competition. "That's no excuse; I don't care if it was hard or not." Well, if the veto was that important to you, you should have won it yourself. But kudos on your vile behavior. You've really displayed class through adversity. I can honestly say I won't be missing Jessica when she leaves on Thursday.

Could this week get any better? Only if Janelle stopped by the house... Jackpot! I missed that buxom blonde! And wow... For someone who so strikingly resembles a rodent, Eric has a lot of nerve calling Janelle Miss Piggy. And I truly can't understand why he would say that. 1) She doesn't, and 2) he doesn't know her. I could understand if there was a personal tiff between the two of them, but I guess Eric's just an ass. He has serious confidence issues, and takes pleasure in cutting other people down. Janelle, on the other hand, is incredibly polite, and was a fantastic veto host. I loved how smitten Dick was with her. He was like a little school girl. "Janelle, call me." Laugh. Out. Loud. I'm so glad a lame person didn't win the veto, and Janelle was able to give it to Daniele. From one veto queen to another. Bom Chicka Wah Wah!

As much as I hate Eric right now, his completion of the latest AP task was pure genius. Dick is black, Eric's white; they are complete opposites. Can you even imagine watching Dick imitate Eric? The appearance just didn't match the actions, and Eric clashed horribly. Horribly funny! Did you see that spit? It went, like, 6 inches. He needs some lessons from Jack Dawson (eh?! Titanic fans??). It was really hysterical when they were eating breakfast together, though. Just the look on Eric's face was priceless. He's been a serious trooper this week--sticking through the HOH comp, dealing with Jess, and letting Dick cover him in cereal. He deserves every penny he's earned.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 12:17 AM ]