Big Brother Bash: Good vs. Evel Big Brother Bash

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - Good vs. Evel
Did anyone ever think we'd see the day Jameka and Zach would align? Honestly, if I didn't know any better, I'd think pigs were flying. But this alliance was inevitable. Zach, the ultimate suck-up, and Jameka, the token Christian. All you have to do to get close to Jameka is ask her to join you for Bible Study. And that Zach did. Well, a pre-POV prayer. Go ahead, giggle away. I couldn't keep a straight face after Zach said, "Dear Heavenly Father." Not that those words are particularly funny, but in that situation and from those lips, they're hysterical. Zach's a regular Amber with his prayers. "E-V-E-L, so to speak." There's no need to crack jokes with God, Zach. That's almost as bad as telling God to bless himself. This seriously has to be the most whacked out cast in Big Brother history. Where did they find these people? There was not one personality that didn't stand out. Even Carol is embossed in my brain. Regrettably.

Thank goodness they finally showed us sequester. Or there would be some dead people at the CBS Factory today. That's what they call it, right? Anywho, I could have passed on seeing the sequester house once I realized it meant listening to Dustin run his mouth. Immediately I was like, "No! I take it all back!" I'd rather watch another prayer session than that. Fingernails on a chalkboard, that's what that is. Multiply that by ten and you get Dustin playing cards with Jen on what appeared to be Christmas Eve. I can't think of another explanation for her pajamas, so I'm going to stick to this theory. And nothing says "Home Shit Home" quite like Amber walking through the door saying, "Honey!" Excuse me while I gargle mouthwash in my vomit covered throat. Check out Gollum nestled between Eric and Jen on that sofa. If I have ever hated a facial expression, it's been that one. Hopefully she gets more control over her muscles once she sees this footage. God willing...

I have never been more nervous for a competition in my life than this weeks Power of Veto. Besides the final HOH, this was the absolute most crucial competition of the season. So much was riding on it, I don't even want to start thinking about it. I would have gone into high-pressure paralyzation and just froze in place. Well, hopefully not, but I wouldn't put it past me. I'm just going to stop thinking about the competition so I can recover from this stomach ulcer. Let's talk about the immense relief when Daniele won. Can that even be classified as a scream anymore? Hasn't that entered shriek territory? Screech? Shrill? I would have beat the shit out of that skinny bitch if I was Jameka. Thankfully, for more than this one reason, I'm not. But she was an awesome sport, and didn't attempt to manipulate Daniele. Not that it would have worked, but you know retarded Amber or Dustin would have tried. "Daniele, have you considered nominating your dad?" Hands down, most retarded idea ever. Thank God Dustin left when he did, or I might have ripped all my hair out. You know, even though it didn't matter, it was incredibly sweet of Daniele to take her dad off the block. And it fully demonstrated her trust in him, which I think was important for a lot of people to see. Just for the situation, not even the money, I'm praying these two get to sit in the Final Two together. It would be an absolute storybook ending to this season for me.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 11:03 PM ]