Big Brother Bash: Boo, Ya on the block! Big Brother Bash

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Monday, September 3, 2007 - Boo, Ya on the block!
September is proving to be a busy month for me, so this probably won't be my last late blog. Nevertheless, I'm full of opinions, so... Let's talk about a grueling HOH competition? Dick and Daniele looked like penguins, Zach looked like a beached whale, and Eric looked like a newborn calf learning how to use his legs. I'm glad Zach finally decided to walk upright--those cavemen really know what they're talking about. Due to the fact that the houseguests had to travel over seven miles to complete the challenge, every single step you took and drop of liquid you transported counted. Though he may not have even known this, Zach had the most efficient method--overfilling his cup and gliding back and forth. Daniele, on the otherhand, kept her thumb in the teacup, displacing a significant amount of water for each trip. Not to mention, she was walking like a penguin! That style of movement hasn't proven to be the fastest in history. And although Dick truly stepped it up and went into overtime toward the end of the competition, I think all of us Dickheads knew in our hearts that it was Zach who was going to win. And as disappointing as that moment was, you know what? He deserved it. That challenge was perfect for his body type, and he deserved it.

Besides HOH, the Big Brother Tea Party dished out another exciting prize--a phonecall from home. Eric, in an embarrassing last place, took advantage of this opportunity, and won the coveted phonecall. In a moment of selflessness, he gave it to Jessica, and it couldn't have been more timely. Jessica's brother, Dean, returned from Iraq on July 24, and Big Brother couldn't have pulled off putting anyone else on that phone with her. I shed a surprising amount of tears watching the call, but tell me you didn't and I'll give you a dollar (not really). The inspiring quote of the night goes to Jess--"My brother's 20 years old and if he can make it through a war, then I can make it through this house." Whether you're a Jessica fan or not, it was a touching moment, and she deserved the phonecall above all else. With that being said, thank you for serving our country, Dean.

In a surprising, yet poignant moment, Eric admitted to Jessica that he cast the hinky votes, and that he put the mustard on Jen's shirt. I had faith he'd eventually tell her, but I was beginning to wonder if he was going to let Chenbot do it for him. But I'll give credit where credit is due, and it took guts to tell her the truth. Especially when it could really screw up his game. She definitly responded to the confession well, though. "My little phantom voter!" Hopefully he doesn't piss her off in the days to come and Jameka ends up finding out. If the jury house received this news with him in the final two, it could either make him or break him. And who really wants to take that chance?

Zach was initially the scariest HOH, but ended up being the best bet for Double D fans. When I heard Zach tell Daniele that he wasn't going to nominate her, and he wanted to team up with the Father-Daughter Duo, I felt a ton of bricks roll off my back. Jeric fans will unite and say "Dick and Daniele betrayed their alliance!" But we all know, we all know, that Eric and Jessica would have striked first if they were in that position. Dick and Daniele were just smart enough to treat Zach like a human being in the weeks prior. And that's when it really counts. Anyway, let's see if my theory about Jessica proves to be true as we watch her behavior on the block this week. I'm going to go ahead and say, "I told you so," before we even find out. That's how confident I am.

BB-Bash Kayla [ 10:58 PM ]